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                                         What others have said...


"Chris and Brad have done it again! They have elevated their gift of music to the next level! This CD "The Invisible World" will take you on a journey that will reach inside to touch your very soul, resonating with you so you will want to listen again and again. a must for any music lovers collection." 
Bear Medicinewalker ~ host of blogtalk radio show The Wolf and The Bear


 Every aspect of Invisible World is was a work of's such a wonderful CD....I wish I could buy one for everyone I know !!! - Singing Snow


"Chris is truly a master musician combining various instruments, rhythms and voice to accompany the traditional flute to create a uniquely beautiful collection of songs. The passion for his Cherokee heritage is deeply embedded in each song, and that passion combined with his innate talent, makes for a powerful and thrilling listening experience. Whenever I listen to Chris’ music, the richness and clarity of the notes and those luscious melodies emanating from his flute take me on a journey—to a place and time of beauty, peace and harmony. A great escape from every day stress and hustle."- Barbara Shining Woman Warren -  Cherokee Storyteller 

"Very, very nice music my friend! Your music stands up for itself! Most flute artists out there all sounds the same as the next, but, this is good stuff Chris… Bravo!” - Michael Searching Bear - NAMA  award winning musician, performer and educator 

"Truly great inspirational, transcendent, and transportive music from an enormously talented and visionary artist... I do not believe you know how your music can touch others souls... Thank you for sharing your gift... you are a Dear Man and Brother who walks between the worlds to bring all music of all Nations to our ears. The Grandmothers and Grandfathers are Proud" - Bear Medicinewalker - host of the blogtalkradio show  The Wolf and The Bear

"It's almost like Chris has stepped out of the Native American culture and into many other cultures and brought them all into one. His music is just phenomenal like that"- Donald Blackfox - CEO of Spirit Wind Records


“Your music connects me to the nostalgia of a world of harmony and hope. I pray your music finds the hearts of many more people." - Cosmic Eagle

"The track list on "Unbound" takes us on a journey through time, past and future, meeting within the heartbeat of the drum and flute.  Chris is of the Cherokee Nation and makes clear that Red Road for all to follow if only for the length of this album.  To those that are of Traditional Spirit, Chris and Brad have shared the wonderful teaching of hope for our future path in this musical world.  They bring in piano beautifully.  The production and instrumentation are exceptional, paving the road into contemporary and world music zones.  The lyrics are strong yet gentle.  Chris Ferree delivers the vocals in a direct path to your heart.  Showing his amazing talent to capture and hold the listener's attention.  He has managed to blend the mind, body and spirit and deliver you into this modern musical production.  To the world, they have given the gift of inner peace.  We are blessed, The Creator walks with these men, this music.  Well done Chris and Brad!  you have spoken well for us" (excerpt from a review for the CD "Unbound") - Shashona - Indie Showcase / Awesome Radio


"I am very impressed with the sounds.  There is hearing in your notes.  I can feel the spirit of the living God all over it.  Beautiful... Your music is good medicine, my friend."  Burner



"Words cannot express the beauty of "Overflow"! All of the tracks are lovely and most relaxing. There is a definite influence of Carlos Nakai here and music resonates at a very high level. I especially enjoy "Dance of the Blue Blanket;" it's as if the story unfolds as a natural visualization in the listener's mind." - Sharon Stellmach - Starfire Radio


""Chris my brother Your music is magnificent, it is divine... full of feelings and love!" - Ernest Trumpy - World Music artist and didgeridoo maker



"Wonderful music. Very moving… We love including your music in our radio broadcasts" - Jon Nipp - Spirit Within New Age Radio

"I am amazed by your music, I was first trained as a classical musician as a child and know when music is exceptional. There is so much wisdom and beauty within it; "Walking the Red Road" has always been my way of life. Your music is evocative of those places, yet unique from any other Native music I've ever heard. Your words instill in me a sense of kindness, love and great peace. "Whisper In The Wind" is the most movingly eloquent song, evoking the oneness of All, living within the Creator's Love. With your music, you are creating an enduring body of work which will always bring peace and beauty into the lives of many…. Thank you for this gift" - SingingSnow


“My all time favorite flute song of all from everyone ? Medicine Bear!…It's the BEST flute song on CD!” -  Neshoba - host of Native Voices Radio WAIF 88.3FM Cincinnati, OH

"Your music is awesome! This is what it must sound like when you go/get to the happy hunting grounds eh?… Meegwitch" - Middle of the Sky Woman

"The music that you have made is wonderful and I appreciate the feelings that accompanies it. Your talents are being used for good and that makes a good feeling in my heart for you. I am deeply touched by your music and wish you much success."- Michael Strong Eagle

"I continue to be transformed by your awesome talent! The earth below looks beautiful from up here and your music reaches my winged dance in the clouds... you inspire me to inspire!!!" -